
Welcome to Dave's little chunk of cyber-space

DWT Portrait

Dave's Bakery & Asylum Miscellaneous Miscellany

Dave's Photo Galleries on PBase

The Clay Pages on PBase

While he has shed responsibility
for the current website,
Ye Olde Photographer still
does some photography for:
Perkiomen Valley Art Center
where he remains on the board.

Always something happening ... check back now and then.

Last site update: 17 February 2018

Web Site, Photos, & Drawings © 1996-2002, 2003-2005, 2006-2011 David W. Thomas
This site was originated on CompuServe March 08, 1996; moved to Verizon in 2006.
After July 2011, the site moved to hosting space on 1&1.com after Verizon, in its
infinite marketing wisdom, decided to cut off FTP access to personal web space. Nothing
like having a spot on the web where you can't use any sort of professional style tools
to maintain a website.

Along the way, various overhauls have been done using a text editor on the HTML
files, (in keeping with the Webmeister's "barebones" programming interests).